Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How long to wait before selling or trading baby mystery snails to the pet store?

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Question by CharmedTeri: How long to wait before selling or trading baby mystery snails to the pet store?

I have heard that mystery snails can be in demand at pet stores, so even if the store refuses to buy them from you, they may agree to make a trade (fish food or other supplies for the snails). I had a batch of babies a few weeks ago, and they are getting pretty big (about 1/4 size of the full-grown parents). How long do I wait before I start offering them to pet shops? What can I expect for a fair trade (example - 5 snails = what dollar amount of pet supplies)? Does anyone have experience with this?
Just to clarify - I am not looking for them to BUY the snails, just take them in trade.

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Answer by volcomsk86
I would make sure the pet store would buy them off of you before you start planning everything. Call them and ask them if they buy them off people. Some pet stores won't buy them back at all, they take them as a "donation" but many don't buy them off of people.

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